Sunday, July 23, 2006

CSA are doing something at last!


Well, after so many months I finally received a reply from the CSA regarding my dispute with them.
All I want to enhance here is that the fight with the CSA is not one to get as much money I can from THE EX, but it is a matter of principles, morals and getting the voice of many other mothers who are in the same situation as mine heard and something done about it. If I wanted to take THE EX to the cleaners (considering that he had enough to do so) I could have, but what would I get out of it? What is the point? Sweet revenge? Oh please! Even though people get married and break up, or live for a while together and then break up, everyone has the right to move on and find their own path to happiness. It is not because one has made you a promiss in the past that one will have to live up to it. Of course promisses should be kept don´t get me wrong, but what happens if the person you initially made a vow to seemed to be a complete different person at first and then with time the mask fell off little by little? and you went on discovering things that you didn´t really like about this person and promisses were made that one would change its way but never did and as time passed you would eventually discover more things that bothered you in this person and finally it wasn´t worth wasting your life with this person because you knew if you did it would be hell. If people just stay in ones way to make there ex´s life hell, in a way they are putting their life on hold and losing their own precious time and happiness.
I can say that I have moved on and that after all I have been through in the last few years it has been a great lesson, and I have evolved alot as a human being.
Anyway... The CSA has finally dealt with my application for a variation of life style regarding the ex´s life style and have finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel and are now taking action. Do I want the ex to end up in jail?? NO! How would my kids feel about that? That is not fair on them and so was said to the CSA. But at the end of the day if the person the CSA is going after to gather the information they need. If this person isn´t even paying the sum that was ordered and the arrears, unfortunately it is not down to me to sort it out. It is in the hands of the CSA, and if the Non resident parent was to help and tell the CSA the truth things will flow in a decent way. If NRP from the start told the truth things would be sorted out in an easier way and many silly disputes would be sorted out rapidly and precious time, stress and aggravation saved.
Of course for every rule there is an exception and unfortunately there are the so called GOLD DIGGERS that want to take the ex for every penny they have and make their life hell, but not for the sake of the kids but for the sake of their own comfort. Unfortunately these are the women that cause the system to go crazy.
For those who are reading this all I can say is that if you are chasing after what you believe is right for you and a good cause, be sure it is right and thruthfull. Do not do it with the intention of seeking revenge or because you need to be in control of things and everything is a game to you and you are not used to losing. Unfortunately when you do it in this manner the universe will conspire against you and your life will be thrown away because you devoted to much negative energy in someting that you believed was a right for you.
In my case I did this because of my babies, my 2 beautiful girls who have a whole life infront of them and need to see that the world still has hope and decent people, and they deserve the right to be brought up with decency learning good morals and principals. They have the right to an education and being cultured.
This fight has been all for my babies, not to get all I can get, but for one to know that when they have kids it is a commitment that they have taken for life and they have to be sure that the kids get a decent life and education.
The CSA is doing their part. The outcome I am still awaiting for it, but I do hope it is a positive one and that the ex will see sense and do the right thing for his kids.
I shall keep you all posted....


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Natacha said...

Thank you for your reply and your compliment. Things are flowing now and hopefully things are settling down, Just awaiting in some replies from the CSA and see if my letter ends up really in the parliement. Even though the ex may be hard headed and not do what a father should do, I try my best to do all I can for the kids. What can I say you can not educate a person, if the mother or the father didnt manage to pass on values, morals and principals it is not down to me to do so... So it lies in the hands of justice. Thanks for your comment.